Saturday, September 30, 2017

The train curves at the bend!!!

i like those window seats
and train oozing from the caves

when people too few for seats to cheat
and the belt of Orion above, waves.

i could see that curve in the train
around the bridge i heard it call 

frying tonight again this childish brain
in whistles it whispers it all

“I am surely not a snake but i can twist
dancing at lighted bends never to shy

make constellations through this map of city mist
show people who never catch your eye.”

the train curves around the bend tonight
circles even when it rains for a while

strength which can bend but be bright
its a flat roar that knows how to curve a smile.

Kartikey Grover
Inspired by the works of Thousand Others!!!

Friday, September 22, 2017

Three Heads Tied through their Waitt!!!

Curving and throttling,
A horse racing
but momentarily pausing its rattling gait

doors slide today again
Not the usual rushing throng migraine,
Instead three heads tied through their wait

Huddled in a quilt of invisible threads
of the softest woolen shreds
heads like flower pollens seeking the winds to germinate.

young old and middle aged
hair color and oddly shaped,
instruments of an orchestra for a symphony to originate.

woven from fragile ice
the train winds to show how unwise
or surely the light will melt this wait before it gets late,

though I feel the time freeze
this mighty horse has to breathe
As my watery eyes see three heads tied through their wait.

Kartikey Grover
Inspired by the works of Thousand Others!!!

Sunday, September 10, 2017

And I am the Fragment of the Mighty Mountain!!!

I know heat 
I know cold
I know rain
I am the fragment of the mighty mountain 

I know the swing of the sledgehammer
I know the tenderness of leaf growth
I know the wetness of watery terrain 
I am the fragment of the mighty mountain

I know family ties
I know friendship bonds
I know how love can pain
I am the fragment of the mighty mountain

I see colors of the variegated rainbow in my reflection
I hear sounds of angry protests when I am thrown
I feel touch of the soft neck while I am tied by a chain
I am the fragment of the mighty mountain

the stillness is not new to me
ghosts of the past present and future have shown their face
but like that moon, time is what is both with and against my size wane
And I am the fragment of the mighty mountain.

Kartikey Grover

Inspired by the works of Thousand Others!!!